
蓝帆医疗德国全新研发制造大楼正式剪彩启用  2023-08-30  蓝帆医疗内幕信息

来源 :蓝帆医疗2023-08-30

  8月25日,蓝帆医疗心脑血管事业部柏盛国际在德国黑兴根的第三座心脏瓣膜研发及制造大楼正式剪彩启用。蓝帆医疗董事长刘文静,蓝帆医疗董事、心脑血管事业部总经理、柏盛国际CEO于苏华,蓝帆医疗副总裁、柏盛国际欧洲、中东和美洲(EMEA Americas)业务高级副总裁Kenneth Graham以及EMEA管理团队共同出席并进行了剪彩。










  ALLEGRA经导管主动脉瓣膜由蓝帆医疗心脑血管事业部全资子公司瑞士NVT AG原创自主研发,该款产品于2017年获得欧洲CE注册,又于2020年5月获批“瓣中瓣”适应症,累计已在全球23个国家和地区实现销售。ALLEGRA瓣膜由镍钛合金支架、三叶式牛心包瓣膜以及同材质密封裙边组成,瓣膜支架具有闭环菱形设计,网格尺寸变化分布有利于保留冠脉通路。ALLEGRA提供三种不同规格(23、27和31毫米),所有规格均通过18F尺寸输送系统来完成植入。

  ALLEGRA主动脉瓣膜在欧洲区域的累计植入早已超过2,000条,相关临床研究有26篇公开发表论文、8项上市后临床试验,超越国内所有瓣膜发表的论文之和,其中三篇文献发表在European Heart Journal和JACC等顶级期刊上。


  在此基础上,蓝帆医疗推出的ALLEGRA Plus经导管主动脉瓣膜系统的国内上市前注册临床研究正在进行中。ALLEGRA Plus是蓝帆医疗蓝帆医疗心脑血管事业部在全球范围内推出的第三代TAVR产品,不仅继承了第一代产品ALLEGRA已被临床验证的创新性设计和核心优点:直筒型短瓣架,最大的有效开口面积(EOA),优异的血流动力学、极轴减震移动可有效减少瓣叶运动时的应力并获得最佳的瓣膜寿命;更在此基础上对输送系统和瓣膜设计都进行了更新优化,采用牛心包的独特V型密封裙边在不规则钙化瓣环上可以减少瓣周漏30%;输送系统采用安全锁机制,瓣膜在释放至80%时仍可回收。

  在大楼剪彩启用后,刘文静董事长与核心管理层召开了SMT会议,并面向全体NVT团队召开了Townhall meeting。与欧洲的同事一起分享了蓝帆医疗开放包容的价值观和发展理念。



  Hechingen, Germany



  Dear Kenny, Max, and colleagues from Biosensors and NVT,

  good morning!

  It is truly a pleasure to be here and meet all of you in person today. The journey of collaboration between Bluesail and NVT began from August 2019 to May 2020, just before the pandemic hit. It is quite rare that we can finally meet in person today after three years of waiting, especially considering the unprecedented global changes over the past three years. These changes have made us value life itself, cherish the people around us, and appreciate the opportunities right in front of us even more. I truly treasure the time we are spending together today.

  Five years ago, after the collaboration between Bluesail and Biosensors, I had a similar Townhall meeting at the headquarters in Switzerland. I remember it vividly. At that time, a Chinese company with a market value of USD 1 billion acquired Biosensors International, which was valued at USD 1 billion as well. Such a significant collaboration was not an easy feat to accomplish. However, what worried me more was whether the colleagues at Biosensors would truly embrace Bluesail. The heart of any company lies in its people, and that is what concerned me the most. So, during that Townhall meeting, my main focus was to introduce who Bluesail is, where we come from, where we are headed, and why a Chinese company engaging in low-technology sector like us deserves the respect and trust of Biosensors colleagues. Because Bluesail is a company with mission, vision, and dream – our purpose is to bring well-being to patients, create value to society, and uplift the lives of every employee, making them more prosperous, happier, and respected in society, so that each person on this platform can realize his dream.

  Today, I am here for the first time, meeting colleagues from NVT. However, I am not the same feeling as I was five years ago, because I know that the colleagues at NVT have wholeheartedly embraced Bluesail and Biosensors. I attribute this mainly to Su Hua, Kenny, and Max, and their great efforts and actions that have fostered this trust among NVT colleagues. This is a clear proof that Bluesail combined with Biosensors and NVT has created a synergy where 1+1 is greater than 2, where 2 gives birth to 3, and 3 gives birth to all things. This, I believe, is the most powerful force.

  Today, I would like to share three aspects with colleagues from NVT:

  1. About Bluesail

  2. About Bluesail People and Philosophy

  3. About Biosensors, NVT, and all of us

  About Bluesail

  Bluesail Group was founded in Shandong Province in northern China in 2003, and today marks exactly 20 years since its establishment. It consists of two main divisions: Bluesail Medical, listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Langhui Petrochemical, a private entity. In 2022, our sales revenue reached USD 3.5 billion, positioning us as one of China’s top 500 manufacturing companies.

  Bluesail Medical, where we are today, is divided into four business units: Health Protection, Cardio and Neuro Vascular, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Medical Health Care. Each segment is a leader in its respective field. For example, we are the global leader in PVC medical gloves, our coronary stents are ranked the fourth worldwide and the second in China, and NVT secured the fifth CE approval for TAVI product in the world. In medical care, we rank the second globally, and in minimally invasive surgery, we are at the forefront. Our philosophy is simple – if we do something, we aim to be the best.

  As of today, Bluesail Medical has over 70 companies globally with more than 8,000 employees, and is ranked as one of the top 20 medical device companies in China.

  About Bluesail People and Philosophy

  Twenty years ago, we started with a dream , with USD 1 million, 3 people, registered the company, acquired land, and constructed factories. In just 20 years, we grew from a state-owned petrochemical company into a global leader in the medical device industry.

  As for myself, I started as a fresh graduate, and over the past 30 years, I have spent 10 years in the chemical industry, 10 years in medical gloves, and another 10 years in the medical device sector, growing alongside Bluesail. The same goes for others at Bluesail, including Su Hua and many more. This is the spirit of Bluesail – a spirit of continuous self-improvement. Our motto is simple: There are no limits to talent at Bluesail; anything is possible. This applies to colleagues at Biosensors and NVT as well.

  What truly empowers Bluesail is our open-mindedness, selflessness, and commitment to the growth and success of others. Our goal is to make a positive impact and Love is our greatest driving force.

  You may have heard about Geely’s acquisition of Volvo. When asked by Swedish and Belgian unions ,why they should sell Volvo to Geely, Li Shufu, the chairman of Geely, responded with three words:"I love you." While he did not speak English, it was a heartfelt statement. A similar love is what fuelled Bluesail’s acquisition of Biosensors and NVT. I believe you have felt it – the love, equality, and respect that have been growing since our partnership began with Biosensors in 2018 and NVT in 2020.

  About All of us

  Today, I want to explore whether Bluesail’s approach with Biosensors and NVT aligns with this philosophy. Not only do we think this way, we act this way too:

  1. After the acquisition by Bluesail, Biosensors and NVT have retained their familiar identities

  Following the acquisition, we did not dispatch a new Bluesail management team from China. Instead, we retained the existing management teams and staff.

  We did not take away technology or initiate factory closures and withdrawals. Instead, we have continued to operate and develop locally.

  There were no layoffs or salary reductions after the acquisition. We respected the established practices and rules.

  We completely respected and maintained the Biosensors and NVT brands, rather than rebranding them as Bluesail.

  Why did we take this approach? The underlying reason is that Bluesail recognizes the paramount importance of localized operations in this business. From R D to production, clinical activities, and sales, we highly value the localized business models of Biosensors and NVT. We have consistently invested in the European region and have never imposed our Chinese experience or models onto the localized European market.

  2. Bluesail’s Acquisition – A Pillar of Strength for Biosensors and NVT.

  We have all experienced the challenges that followed the acquisition – three years of a global pandemic, China’s medical reimbursement reforms, the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Many companies worldwide faced bankruptcies and layoffs, resulting in losses of jobs and loved ones. It’s hard to imagine how Biosensors and NVT would have navigated through this century-defining crisis without Bluesail’s platform.

  In addition to our unwavering respect for the existing business models and localized operations, we are also committed to supporting Biosensors and NVT in tapping into Asia-Pacific and Chinese markets. Today, patients in the Asia-Pacific region are already benefiting from our Allegra product, and clinical trials are underway in China. While always respecting the dynamics of local markets, we are grafting resources and expanding into these regions. The products we are helping shape can provide relief and well-being to a broader global audience, a shared aspiration among all of us as dedicated professionals in this remarkable industry.

  3. Beyond that, Bluesail has truly empowered Biosensors and NVT, driving platform development and growth.

  We have continued to invest in Biosensors and NVT – over the past 5 years, we have injected USD 1.5 billion into Biosensors and USD 50 Million into NVT to support their operations and development. Bluesail’s substantial investments have sustained the healthy operation and growth of this platform.

  We have further invested in constructing a new production and R D facility in Germany. While investing in China and Singapore would offer better efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we recognize that the core of our business development lies in our people. Our choice to invest in Hechingen is due to the exceptional talent present in the region. We aim to leverage this valuable human resource to create a platform that thrives where its talent thrives.

  Moreover, after the acquisition, we truly live by our philosophy of business partnership by designing equity incentives for the core teams at Biosensors and NVT and have initiated the independent financing and listing of our Cardio and Neuro Vascular division, ensuring that we are not just a community of shared interests; we are a unified community of shared pursuits and destinies.

  Even amid turbulent times, Bluesail has committed over USD 300 million in the last five years for innovation and R D. Our goal is simple yet profound: to harness world-class technology to enhance the well-being of patients, and ensure the names of Bluesail, Biosensors, and NVT are remembered for next generations to come.

  This unwavering commitment is grounded in our long-term perspective. We’re dedicated to continuing our support and contributions on the innovative soil of Europe, a land rich with precious talent. Whether it’s in R D, production, clinical, or sales, we’re eager to stand by you, This isn’t just a commitment; it’s our passion, our love.

  So, my dear colleagues from Biosensors and NVT, I hope that through this brief sharing, you have felt the vivid of Bluesail – an international standard, a global vision, and a company driven by passion and responsibility. We are truly delighted to share this platform with colleagues from NVT, to grow together, and to mutually achieve greatness.

  Finally, I would like to conclude with the same words I shared five years ago at the Biosensors Townhall:

  I want to thank you all once again for your great contributions and efforts and I am very proud to work together with you all to advance the world of healthcare. And I want to end this speech with words from a famous man.“The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it. While others try to predict the future, we create it”.

  Let us go and create our own future. I love you all!


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